Online Dating 101

online dating

Online dating can be very nerve-wracking, especially if it’s your first time! With faith and perseverance, it can actually be the best experience, especially knowing your special someone is out there. Keep on reading for online dating tips that will be helpful for your journey ahead.

  • Identify what you want and need

    Wants and Needs are two different things and yet two very important things to know when dating. Wants are simply preferences that are flexible and negotiable. Needs are your core morals and values that stay true to you and are absolutely non-negotiable. Make a list to sort out your wants and needs. You can always reference this list as you meet new people to see how they align.

  • Choose the right photos that represent you

    We’ve all been there where we have that one favorite picture that was taken 5 years ago at a cousin’s birthday party but, this is YOUR profile! Just like your needs and staying true to yourself, your photo should represent you in your latest glory. Don’t forget to smile and be authentically you!

  • Engage in conversation

    This is the best part! You’ve filtered through potential matches and now it’s time to connect. Be yourself. You can also use this time to set out your expectations.

  • IVL to IRL

    Once you’ve built that genuine connection online, it’s time to meet in person! In Virtual Life, you’ve seen each other’s photos, exchanged emails/texts perhaps a few phone calls – it’s time to meet In Real Life. You’ve prayed for this moment. Just have fun!

Happy dating!

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. ~ Romans 12:12


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